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The Provo River
Upper, Middle and Lower
"Upper" above Jordanelle has limited public access and is a freestone river. Fishing can be spotty, public area's tend to get hit pretty hard. Large fish from the reservoir use the lower section for spawning. Every year a few incredible fish are caught. Better for more advanced anglers .
"Middle" This section of river from Jordanelle to Deer Creek is Utah's most popular fly fishing water. Huge fish counts up to 6000 fish per mile in the upper quarter of the river. Dry fly fishing can be fantastic. Think Midge, Caddis and BWO for most times of the year. Nymphing is the most consistent day in and day out. Fish are pattern sensitive and get heavy pressure.This section contains great runs, tailouts and riffles. You may need to walk a bit for some solitude. The general etiquette rule is casting distance to another angler. Politeness goes a long way on the "Middle" This section gets crowded on weekends. If your looking for good fishing and wildlife viewing this section is great. If you want to be alone look elsewhere, Yearly 26"+ fish are C&R.
"Lower" This section of river is one of our favorite. Heavy pressure and Dry fly fishing is spotty at best. Winter tends to be the best for consistent surface action. These fish love sow bugs and caddis emergers. Fish deep, the lower offers one of the better opportunity's to catch a fish over 20" Rainbows dominate but large browns live here as well. The summer rubber hatch can be annoying but the fish don't spook.

The Weber River
Upper , Middle and Lower
Private and Public
Most of the Weber river is located on private property with plenty of public access. On the Weber you can find your own piece of river. This area that is nestled in and out of grazing land and can be home to some very large brown trout. This is a great river if you like to hole hop with dries or post up in a riffle with nymphs. In the fall brown trout are just waiting to eat your hoppers. The spring and summer are great times to find fish poking their heads up to blue wing olives, pale morning dunes, caddis and stone flies.
We also have access to private water on the upper Weber. Here you can find rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout, greyling and rocky mountain white fish. Enjoy untouched small water that can hold some really nice fish in the 8-12in range with the larger fish into the 14-16 in. range. You will find yourself hole hopping along this beautiful stretch of river. Don't forget to cast in every little pocket you see, because most places that look fishy are fishy. This stretch of river is for the intermediate to advanced angler looking to throw dry dropper setups. Best months are July to October.
Upper , Middle and Lower
Private and Public
Most of the Weber river is located on private property with plenty of public access. On the Weber you can find your own piece of river. This area that is nestled in and out of grazing land and can be home to some very large brown trout. This is a great river if you like to hole hop with dries or post up in a riffle with nymphs. In the fall brown trout are just waiting to eat your hoppers. The spring and summer are great times to find fish poking their heads up to blue wing olives, pale morning dunes, caddis and stone flies.
We also have access to private water on the upper Weber. Here you can find rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout, greyling and rocky mountain white fish. Enjoy untouched small water that can hold some really nice fish in the 8-12in range with the larger fish into the 14-16 in. range. You will find yourself hole hopping along this beautiful stretch of river. Don't forget to cast in every little pocket you see, because most places that look fishy are fishy. This stretch of river is for the intermediate to advanced angler looking to throw dry dropper setups. Best months are July to October.

The Fontenelle (Green River, SW Wyoming)
Upper section below Fontenelle Reservoir
Located in south west Wyoming's Green River Basin. We offer full day float trips for 1 to 2 anglers per boat and up to 2 boats (4 anglers). This section of the green offers very large numbers and large sizes of rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout without the crowds. Enjoy a day of fishing long runs from our raft surrounded by Wyoming's picturesque high plateau landscape. Lodging is close by in the town of Kemmerer or pitch a tent in the campgrounds or dispersed camping right along the river! The river is wide and deep so floats can be very relaxing. No need to worry about large rapids. We often will park the boat on a nice run and fish the section to break up the day or just find a nice spot for lunch. We have been known to have 50 fish days on this river.
Upper section below Fontenelle Reservoir
Located in south west Wyoming's Green River Basin. We offer full day float trips for 1 to 2 anglers per boat and up to 2 boats (4 anglers). This section of the green offers very large numbers and large sizes of rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout without the crowds. Enjoy a day of fishing long runs from our raft surrounded by Wyoming's picturesque high plateau landscape. Lodging is close by in the town of Kemmerer or pitch a tent in the campgrounds or dispersed camping right along the river! The river is wide and deep so floats can be very relaxing. No need to worry about large rapids. We often will park the boat on a nice run and fish the section to break up the day or just find a nice spot for lunch. We have been known to have 50 fish days on this river.

Small Streams
Strawberry, Duchesne, Current Creek, Hams Fork
We call them small streams but the rewards can be huge! We offer these trips for our intermediate to experienced anglers due to the challenging fishing at times. These rivers are a great escape. Casting can be tight in over hanging brush or casting can be wide open in a high dessert area. Some days can produce better than others, but all it takes is one big fish out of these rivers to keep you coming back for more (20+ inch brown trout)!
Strawberry, Duchesne, Current Creek, Hams Fork
We call them small streams but the rewards can be huge! We offer these trips for our intermediate to experienced anglers due to the challenging fishing at times. These rivers are a great escape. Casting can be tight in over hanging brush or casting can be wide open in a high dessert area. Some days can produce better than others, but all it takes is one big fish out of these rivers to keep you coming back for more (20+ inch brown trout)!